What is the method of reforming character? An example is quoted here which provides an answer to this question. Anger is an attribute of the inner soul of man. It takes its birth in man's heart and finds its expression in the acts of the hands and the feet and sometimes through the tongue. During a fit of anger the face becomes red, the nerves are strained and the tongue goes out of control, and the person starts using abusive language, resulting in violence. These are the visible outcome of anger but real anger is born in man's heart and this is the root-cause of many inner evils and vices, and gives rise to many sins and inner ailments.

Absence of Anger, too, is a Disease

It is also a disease if a man does not feel angry in any circumstance even when the worst wrongs are being committed before his eyes and he remains unaffected. Allah has created anger in man, so that he may defend his life, honor, property and above all his faith. If a murderer is standing, pistol in hand, to shoot his victim and the victim remains calm, unaffected by the crisis of the situation, then he is suffering from a disease. If a man does not at all feel offended and excited with anger on occasions, which call for the expression and use of anger, he is a patient devoid of normal human feelings. The expression and use of anger are virtues on their right occasions.

Moderation is needed during Anger

It is also a disease if the faculty of anger exceeds its limits. It is quite right that a man feels angry to defend himself against the atrocities of his enemies. If the opponent deserved only one stroke but the defender is striking him hard mercilessly, this is going beyond the limit which is a sin. Thus, to exceed the limits of anger or to feel no anger at all is an inner disease. Man should be careful to maintain normal limits of anger on either side. If anger overpowers a man although there is no occasion for anger, the man concerned should suppress this anger with effort.

Anger and Hazrat Ali رضی الله عنہ

It is a well-known event that happened with Hazrat Ali رضی الله عنہ that a Jew spoke some abusive words about the Holy Prophet صلی الله علیہ وسلم. How could Hazrat Ali رضی الله عنہ put up with such a situation? He at once got the Jew down and sat on his chest. When the Jew found himself totally helpless, he spat on the face of Hazrat Ali رضی الله عنہ. Hazrat Ali رضی الله عنہ stood up releasing the Jew. When asked about this strange behavior, Hazrat Ali رضی الله عنہ explained the reason saying:

First I had punished him because he had been insolent to the Holy Prophet صلی الله علیہ وسلم. At that time my anger was not for myself; it was to defend the honor of the Holy Prophet صلی الله علیہ وسلم. That is why I sat on his chest to punish him. When he spat on me, anger arose in my heart for my own self inciting me to take revenge from the Jew for my own self. Then it occurred to me that to take revenge for my own self is not good. It is the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet صلی الله علیہ وسلم that he never took revenge from anyone for his own self. I, therefore, stood up and let him go.

This event illustrates moderation in anger. On the first occasion anger was justified so anger arose rightly and was rightly expressed. On the second occasion it was not justified, so no action was taken in response to it.

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