The Belief of Khatme Nabuwwat

Allah (THE CREATOR) began the system of guidance to humanity through his venerable Messengers and Prophets, beginning with Hazrat (ADAM) (peace be upon him), and finally ending with the last prophet of all times MUHAMMAD (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). Therafter no new Prophet is to be. All types of Prophethood is closed e.g. Zilli, Burozi, Tashrehi or non-Tashrehi.

Similarly, the revelation through Prophethood is also closed after Prophet MUHAMMAD (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), likewise any revelation through which the reformation of ISLAM is claimed. The Quran is the last complete and most perfect book of revelation, which is un-alterable. The content of this book is safeguarded by ALLAH himself.

It is the unanimous decision of evidence of countless Quranic revelations, hundreds of Ahadith of the Prophet MUHAMMAD (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), the consensus of Sahaba (ALLAH be pleased with them) and the Ulama and intellectual scholars – that the Prophet MUHAMMAD (sallallah alayhi wasallam) is the last Prophet and Messenger of Allah and his Shariat is the last Shariat. The Muslim Ummah is the last Ummah.

The aforementioned statements and their belief and admission by heart are the essential elements of faith in ISLAM. In ISLAM this faith is called KHATME NABUWWAT.

It is also the consensus of the MUSLIM Ummah that after MUHAMMAD (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) – any person who claims Prophethood and Proclaims to be a Messenger is a Kazzab (liar), Dajjal (deceiver), an imposter (nonbeliever) and false. Such liars have no relation with ISLAM. Similarly, a believer or follower of such an imposter also becomes a Kafir. Here are some references from QURAN and AHADITH relating to Prophet MUHAMMAD (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) being the KHATEM UN NABIYEEN (Seal of the Prophets).


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