An Incident In The Life Of Mufti Muhammad Shafi رحمة الله عليه

When my respected father, Mufti Muhammad Shafi رحمة الله عليه  came to Pakistan, the Government of Pakistan had established a Board for Islamic Education attached to the Constituent Assembly. My father was also appointed as its member. This Board was one of the sections of the
government. After some time the government did something wrong and my father spoke against it for which some of the government officers remarked to my respected father that he was a member of the Board and part of the Government so he should not have criticised it.' My father told them that he had consented to become a Member for no other reason but for the sake of religion. As a worker in that direction, it was his duty to say what was correct whether that was in agreeement with the line of the government or not. He clarified that he was not a government servant and unlike them was not worried about losing the employment. He said, "I have my resignation letter in my pocket and my expenses do not exceed two rupees, so I am not dependent on salary and allowances like you. I can earn that much money by hard work anywhere else while you cannot
because your suit alone costs two hundred rupees. So, you might fear losing your job. By the Grace of Allah, I have no such fear."


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