Way of life of muslim


In Islam, anything that is considered harmful to the body, mind, soul or society is forbidden (haram), and anything that is profitable is lawful (halal). Islam prohibits Muslims from consuming pork, alcohol or mind-altering drugs. Muslims are required to eat meat that has been slaughtered and blessed in a Muslim way. This meat is called "halal". Muslims are also forbidden to gamble, take interest, fortune-telling, murder, lie, steal, cheat, oppress or harass others, greed or bullying, sex outside of marriage, disrespect for parents, and mistreatment of relatives, orphans or neighbors.

The role of the clergy

There is no clergy class in Islam, and Muslim religious leaders have no authority to forgive people for their sins. Everyone has a direct relationship with God without any mediator. There are religious leaders or scholars, called ulama, who are scholars and experts in various fields of Islam, such as Sharia, hadith, or Quranic recitation. It is also important to note that there is no single Islamic authority; so there is a difference between Islamic scholars.

Conversion to Islam

Muslims are encouraged to share their faith with others. However, Muslims are told not to attack the beliefs of others or to take part in disputes or discussions about religious matters. There is no official conversion event. People must simply believe and repeat the degree in order to convert to Islam.

About Know Muslim

Information regarding Muslim World and Pakistan.


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