Refaat Alareer (September 23, 1979 – December 7, 2023) was a Palestinian writer, poet, educator, and activist from the Gaza Strip. He was killed during an Israeli airstrike on his home in the city of Gaza on Thursday night. He gained international attention for his work as a writer and translator, and was also a vocal critic of the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

Alareer was born and raised in the Gaza Strip. He studied literature at the University of Birzeit in the West Bank, and then returned to Gaza to teach literature and creative writing at the Islamic University of Gaza. He was also a co-founder of the organization We Are Not Numbers, which matched experienced authors with young writers in Gaza.

Alareer's work as a writer and translator addressed the daily struggles and injustices faced by Palestinians under Israeli occupation. He wrote poetry, prose, and translations of English-language literature into Arabic. His work has been published in numerous international literary journals and anthologies.

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Alareer was also a vocal critic of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. He spoke out against Israeli human rights abuses and called for an end to the occupation. He was a popular figure on social media, where he shared his writing and thoughts on the Palestinian struggle with a large audience.

Alareer's death was met with condemnation from around the world. The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres called for an independent investigation into his death, which he described as "unacceptable". The International Criminal Court also announced that it was opening a preliminary examination into the death of Alareer and other Palestinian civilians killed during the 2023 Israeli offensive on Gaza.

Alareer's death is a loss to Palestinian literature and to the global community. He was a talented writer, a gifted translator, and a passionate advocate for the rights of his people. He will be deeply missed by all who knew him.

Here are some of the tributes that have been paid to Alareer:

- "Refaat Alareer was a shining light in the Palestinian literary scene. His words gave voice to the voiceless and gave hope to the hopeless. He will be remembered as a powerful advocate for justice and human rights." - Omar Barghouti, co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement

- "Refaat Alareer was a beautiful soul who used his words to fight for his people. He was a true poet and a true martyr. We will never forget him." - Mohammed El-Kurd, Palestinian poet and activist

- "Refaat Alareer was a symbol of Palestinian resistance. He was a man of courage and integrity who never gave up on the dream of a free Palestine. He will be an inspiration to future generations of Palestinians." - Hanan Ashrawi, Palestinian politician and activist

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