Islamabad, Pakistan - The Pakistani government has announced that it will begin deporting 10,000 illegal immigrants from the country every day, starting immediately. The move comes as part of a wider crackdown on illegal immigration that has been underway in Pakistan for several months.

Reasons for the Deportations

The government has cited several reasons for the deportations, including concerns about national security, public safety, and the strain that illegal immigration is putting on the country's economy. The government has also said that the deportations are necessary to enforce Pakistan's immigration laws.

Impact of the Deportations

The deportations are expected to have a significant impact on the lives of illegal immigrants in Pakistan. Many illegal immigrants have lived in Pakistan for years and have established families and businesses in the country. The deportations will force them to uproot their lives and return to their home countries, where they may face poverty, violence, and persecution.

International Reaction

The international community has expressed concern about the Pakistani government's decision to deport illegal immigrants. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has called on the Pakistani government to respect the rights of refugees and asylum seekers. Human rights groups have also criticized the deportations, saying that they are cruel and inhumane.

Future of Illegal Immigration in Pakistan

The future of illegal immigration in Pakistan is uncertain. The government has said that it is committed to continuing its crackdown on illegal immigration, but it is unclear how effective these measures will be. The government has also said that it is working to improve border security to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the country in the first place.


The Pakistani government's decision to deport illegal immigrants is a complex issue with no easy answers. The government has a responsibility to enforce its immigration laws, but it also has a responsibility to protect the rights of refugees and asylum seekers. The international community must continue to monitor the situation in Pakistan and ensure that the rights of all migrants are respected.

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