KARACHI: During a lengthy gunfight, law enforcement personnel have cleared the Karachi police chief's building, according to the police.

At least 7 individuals were killed, including three suicide bombers of tehreek e taliban Pakistan.

Two police officers, one Ranger, and one sanitary worker were among the four victims of the attack, according to Sindh government spokesman Murtaza Wahab, who also said that all three terrorists had been killed.

Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah described the attackers as "terrorists... armed with explosives and other weapons" while speaking on a television channel. He asserted that the federal government will support the city police and that the police will deal with the attackers with an iron hand.

The KPO, a five-story tower, was cleared with the assistance of Army snipers who were also on hand to deal with the terrorists on the rooftop, according to a spokeswoman for the Sindh government. IG Sindh and Chief Minister Sindh Murad Ali Shah came at Central Police Headquarters right away. He kept an eye on things for himself.

Shahrah e Faisal was immediately closed to traffic following the attack while law enforcement officers remained on the scene to deal with the issue.

According to sources, the three security checkpoints at the city police chief's office weren't manned at the time of the attack, and it was claimed that terrorists entered KPO by jumping the back wall.


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